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Draught guidance: a kilt need underwear – Telegraph

The Scottish Tartans Authority has decreed that refusing to put on underwear beneath a kilt is “childish and unhygienic”.

It also warned that “going commando” flies in the face of decency.

Tartans Authority director Brian Wilton said kilt wearers should have the “common sense” to realise they should wear underwear beneath their country’s national dress.

He said “The idea that you are not a real Scot unless you are bare under your kilt should be thrown into the same wastepaper basket as the idea that you’re not a real Scot unless you put salt on your porridge.

“People should not be browbeaten into believing that nonsense. Just because Highlanders wore nothing in the days before Y-fronts were invented doesn’t mean that we, in the 21st Century, should wear nothing too.

via Draught guidance: a kilt need underwear – Telegraph.

My thoughts:

Can’t say that I agree.  I recommend that London kilts are worn with uncommon indecency!

Tip: if you are concerned about hygiene simply safety pin a piece of fabric to the inside of the front apron.  You can change it as often as you like without needing to wash the whole kilt.

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Wear your kilt at a Ceilidh … Scottish Country Dancing in London

For a person new to kilt wearing it can be challenging to think of that many places to wear the fantastic garment.  A Scottish Country Dancing evening is an ideal place to break yourself in gently as it is one of the few places you can be assured that you will not be the only one in a kilt.

Perhaps I can take this opportunity to recommend London’s Ceilidh (pronounced Kay Lee) Club.  They hold regular events at Cecil Sharp House and Hammersmith Town Hall.  Tickets are about £15, genders are balanced, and booking in advance is advisable (though not always necessary).

I’ve been to one of their events at Cecil Sharp House and had a hoot.  The main hall is absolutely massive and on the evening I attended it was absolutely full of people.  There was a good mix of sexes and most people seemed to be between the ages of 25 and 40.  I watched the first dance and was impressed by the quality of the band and how much fun everyone was having.  And, of course, there were LOTS of fabulous kilts.

Before long I was asking girls to dance and having a good old time.  Because there is a caller and lots of people who really know what they are doing it is really easy to understand what to do and when.  The emphasis is far more on having fun dancing together than it is on complicated dance moves.  Another feature of many of the dances is that you swap partners … that means that you get to meet more people and you don’t have to try to impress that girl you asked for the whole dance.  The one thing that I didn’t see any of is men dancing with men … I’m guessing this is a bit of a no no … especially with the partner swapping!  So, any gay guys out there may have to grin and bear dancing with girls.

When you get thirsty (as you will) there is a reasonably priced bar downstairs and, wait for it, a cake shop!  Genius!

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Happy Xmas from Skilt – the London kilt

This isn’t a new image but it seems timely for me to post it onto the blog.

Max brought this Kilted (OK, I know it’s a hula skirt!) Santa back from Hawaii.  She’s away in Australia right now … I wonder if she’ll find a kilted kangaroo or something while she’s out there?

Have a great winter solstice and Christmas holiday.

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Satisfied customer: Owen’s Skilt brings joy to Scottish wife

The Skilt arrived swiftly and safely yesterday, so many thanks.

It is excellent – both in looks and quality.  With a Scottish wife, I was always treading dodgy ground by not going for a traditional kilt – however she expressed joyful surprise at the build quality and style of it (whilst I was always confident!).

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Skilt at Erotica 2010

Lots of interesting people, lots of lovely people, lots of really weird people!

I’m pretty pleased with the look of the stall: we hung the black fabric up at the back to look like the back of a Skilt with the label and the parting with the fire showing through.

We were next door to some lovely people selling all in one spandex body suits … as you can see we couldn’t resist having a go in them!  I think I’ll stick to kilts…


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Satisfied customer: Justin’s Skilt is an awesome pleasure to wear

Hey Richard,

I’ve worn the kilt twice since it arrived an it’s awsome from top to bottom lol, what a beautifull garment.  The pockets are an absolute bonus an the amount of room in them is good, the silver buttons against the material looks every bit as good as the one worn by your model on your internet web site, and as for the material it feels good against the skin and hangs well.   I must say it was well recieved by friends an family and an absolute pleasure to wear.

I can only thank you for creating a truly beautifull garment.

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Satisfied customer: Joseph’s Skilt is cool and modern

Hi Richard

Thank you for you prompt dispatch. It’s a very cool and modern version of the traditional kilt. Shame I am not in Scotland as I would wear it more often…!

All the best


My reply was:

You’re welcome.  Glad you like it.  You don’t need to be in Scotland to wear a kilt! I suggest you take it for a walk this weekend and enjoy the admiration.