Stoked to receive this comment from a customer who describes himself as ‘very satisfied’. Thanks Tim.
After several centuries of brainwashing to the contrary, ordinary men throughout the western world are beginning to realise that the wearing of skirt type garments is practical, logical, and extremely comfortable. So why the hell not do it?
And if it’s a skirt type garment you’re after that looks great on a bloke – you’ve come to the right place! This wide selection of exquisitely tailored ‘skilts’ is, I reckon, about the best in the world. Each pleat is individually cut to a broad flare and sewn so the whole thing hangs beautifully from your waist. What you see in the pictures is what you get.I bought three:DENIM – rough and tough as any pair of Levis I ever wore to work (but with the added advantage it will never wear out at the knees or pockets)
CORDUROY – same as above, but softer and cosy warm. If you’re off on a days hike down on the coast with your lunch and a hip flask you’d be an absolute idiot not to don one of these!